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Sacred objects Sacred objects

Somdej Luang Pu Nak Sophono

Somdej Luang Pu Nak Sophono, Abbot of Wat Rakhang and Luang Pu Hin of Wat Rakhang Khositaram...
Price 69,999 baht
Guaranteed genuine amulet Full refund
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The two Luang Pu created many amulets and sacred objects, such as Buddha amulets made of Somdej amulets and sacred object coins.
This one... Phra Somdej model 4 that he made in 1951-1952, so it's called model 2495. There are also a number of Phra nork prints as well, called Pim Nork, which were made in the same year. But it was not officially released. Sir will distribute it personally, but the shape of the print will be different.
This one is a print of the Buddha image on a table leg. It has a takrud made of real silver, real gold, and real naga, called the 3 Kings Takrud. It is very hard to find. and is very popular What's special is that it's made of beautiful black wood. And it is guaranteed to be the only one in the world, namely the hand inscription of Luang Pu Nak, which is a double Buddhist talisman, which is the most auspicious teacher talisman. Definitely can't find it again.
Wat Rakhang is famous in Malaysia. and Singapore very much Nowadays, there are a lot of tourists coming to buy them, causing of amulets of Luang Pu Nak. The number has greatly decreased. Therefore, there are many Phra Ke and Phra Yudwat amulets, although their prices may not be expensive. But in the future, it will become more popular. Because it was mixed with old Somdej Toh powder and consecrated meticulously. Also, experiences and miracles Yours is complete and comprehensive.
As for the kindness aspect, there are many people who have experienced it themselves. When in need Encountered adversity, I took Luang Pu's amulet and prayed and thought of him. It will inspire the business that you are doing. Successful as expected or when a crisis occurs, I pray that I will think of you. To be safe from danger that will happen and to pass through. Anyone who has your Buddha image will have good fortune and life will be safe.
While Luang Pu Nak is still living, although sir is old according to sir age. But sir body is perfect and full of radiance. sir face was filled with kindness. Whoever went to see sir and asked for a free amulet from sir, he gave it to or when disciple buy an amulet from the temple committee. Come see sir and he will kindly anoint you with consecrated powder again.
When he passed away Phra disciplewho was appointed to the committee to inspect the property, found that after his death sir only have 50 satang left in assets. Most of the money sir earn will be donated to help those in need. and donated all the temple buildings Only goodness remains. and the faith that everyone has for Luang Pu If compared to when he was famous It's like Luang Pu Toh. Wat Pradu Chimphli Will be able to consecrate at almost every event because of his prestige and kindness...
Wat Rakhang 的院長 Somdej Luang Pu Nak Sophono 和 Wat Rakhang Khositaram 的 Luang Pu Hin...
售價 69,999 泰銖
保證正品護身符 全額退款
這個…Phra Somdej model 4是他在1951-1952年製作的,所以它被稱為model 2495。但並未正式發布。先生會親自分發,但印刷的形狀會有所不同。
這是一張印在桌腳上的佛像。它有一種由真銀、真金和真龍製成的打固,稱為三王打固。很難找到。非常受歡迎,特別之處在於它是由美麗的黑木製成的。而且保證是世界上唯一的,即Luang Pu Nak手刻,是雙佛符,是最吉祥的師符。肯定是找不到了。
Wat Rakhang在馬來西亞很有名。和新加坡一樣,現在有許多遊客前來購買,造成了Luang Pu Nak的護身符。數量大大減少了。因此,有許多Phra Ke和Phra Yudwat護身符,儘管它們的價格可能不貴。但在未來,它會變得更加流行。因為它是與古老的崇迪卓粉混合並精心開光的。而且,你的經驗和奇蹟是完整和全面的。
當他去世時,被任命為委員會檢查財產的帕弟子,發現先生死後只剩下50沙當的資產。先生賺到的大部分錢將捐獻給有需要的人。並捐贈了所有寺廟建築,只剩下善良。以及大家對龍普多的信仰 如果和他出名的時候相比的話 就像龍普多一樣。由於他的威望和仁慈,Wat Pradu Chimphli 幾乎能夠在所有活動中開光...

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