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Sacred objects Sacred objects

Phra Pidta Na Khao

Phra Pidta Na Khao, Chao Khunphon Kuttajitto, Wat Nang Ratchaworawihan, special edition, created in 1966, size 2.3 x 1.6 cm. high, hand inscribed on the back.
Luang Pu Toh, Wat Pradoo Chimplee, joined in the consecration.
Price 2,499 baht
Guaranteed genuine amulet Full refund
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Good ceremonies, deep years, and truly important things like this are becoming less and less common every day. Among the fake and misprinted things Stuffed temples all over the amulet field This model of amulet is a small amulet suitable for children and women. and those who like small Buddha images but have immeasurable powers
Phra Sunthon Silasamajarn or Luang Pho Phon, Wat Nang, Bang Khun Thian, Thonburi. Some people call him Chao Khun Phon, a great disciple of Phutthakhom's successor. Luang Pu Iam, Wat Nang, the nickname of Luang Pho Phon also indicates the morality of Luang Pho Phon. who maintains pure precepts
Luang Por Phon was born on Monday, August 13, 1894. He was ordained at Wat Nang on March 27, 1915, with Phra Phawanakoson Thera (Iam) as his preceptor and Luang Por Nim, Khok Kham Temple, as his monk. and Phra Palad Chaeng, Wat Nang, is a statue of Phra Palad Chaeng.
After being ordained, he studied the Dharma and Vinaya and Vipassana business. Always been at Wat Nang Luang Phor Phon is interested in mental meditation and Vipassana meditation. Until he had the ability to teach to the kith and kin who came to make merit at the temple. In 1924, Luang Por Phon was appointed as Phra Bai Dika, the royal patronage of Luang Pu Iam. He was a disciple and helped a lot with the work within Wat Nang.
After Luang Pu Iam passed away in 1926, Phra Wichian Kawee (Chat), the next abbot, appointed Luang Por Phon as Phra Palad Thananukrom in 1927, and in 1935 he was appointed Phrakru. commission and was an assistant abbot of Wat Nang. In 1951 he became a first-class Phrakru Sanyabat and in 1957 he became a royal monk. At Phra Sunthorn Silasamajan in 1960 he was appointed as the abbot of Wat Nang.
Luang Phor Phon is a monk who can be sincerely respected. He is not a monk who focuses on conjuring sacred objects. But he is a monk who practices liberation. In the days when Luang Por Phon was in good health, he would go on a pilgrimage every year. Luang Por Phon stopped walking on the pilgrimage in 1933 because of Abbot Wichian Kawi. I ask you to help with the affairs of the temple. In the field of magic Luang Por Phon can be relied upon by the villagers as a representative of Luang Pu Iam.
The reputation of Luang Phor Phon was quite famous. In important Buddhist coronation ceremonies, there is often the name of Luang Pho Phon of Wat Nang, which are members of the same generation as Luang Pho Phon of Wat Nang, including Luang Pho Ngoen of Wat Don Yai Hom, Luang Pho An of Wat Phra Yat, Luang Pho Tae of Wat Sam Ngam, and Luang Pu. Toh, Wat Pradoochimpil, etc. Important Buddhist coronation events that have the name of Luang Por Phon, such as the Twenty-Fifth Century Festival Wat Prasat Bunyawat event, etc. Luang Pho Phon passed away on February 10, 1970, at the age of 74 years.
Phra Pidta Na Khao、Chao Khunphon Kuttajitto、Wat Nang Ratchaworawihan,特別版,創作於 1966 年,尺寸 2.3 x 1.6 公分。高,背面有手刻字。
龍普多 (Luang Pu Toh) 、Wat Pradoo Chimplee 也參加了開光儀式。
售價 2,499 泰銖
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如果顧客希望出具真品證書。由泰國佛牌愛好者協會或Tha Phrachan雜誌有限公司發行。
Phra Sunthon Silasamajarn 或 Luang Pho Phon、Wat Nang、Bang Khun Thian、吞武里。有人稱他為Chao Khun Phon,是Phutthakhom 繼任者的大弟子。 Luang Pu Iam,Wat Nang,Luang Pho Phon 的暱稱也表明了 Luang Pho Phon 的道德。誰持清淨戒律
Luang Por Phon 出生於 1894 年 8 月 13 日星期一。 Phra Palad Chaeng,Wat Nang,是Phra Palad Chaeng的雕像。
出家後,他學習佛法、戒律和內觀事業。一直在 Wat Nang Luang Phor Phon 對心理冥想和內觀冥想感興趣。直到他有能力教導前來寺廟做功德的親友。 1924年,Luang Por Phon被任命為Phra Bai Dika,是Luang Pu Iam的皇家贊助人。他是一名弟子,為 Wat Nang 的工作提供了許多幫助。
1926年Luang Pu Iam圓寂後,下一任住持Phra Wichian Kawee (Chat)於1927年任命Luang Por Phon為Phra Palad Thananukrom,並於1935年被任命為Phrakru。並擔任 Wat Nang 的助理院長。 1951年,他成為一級Phrakru Sanyabat,並於1957年成為皇家僧侶。 1960 年,他被任命為 Phra Sunthorn Silasamajan 的 Wat Nang 住持。
Luang Phor Phon是一位值得真誠尊敬的僧侶。他並不是專注於召喚聖物的修士。但他是一位修行解脫的僧人。在Luang Por Phon身體健康的時候,他每年都會去朝聖。 1933年,由於住持Wichian Kawi的緣故,Luang Por Phon停止了朝聖之旅。我請你幫忙處理寺廟的事務。在魔術領域,Luang Por Phon可以作為Luang Pu Iam的代表而受到村民的信賴。
Luang Phor Phon的聲譽是相當有名的。在重要的佛教加冕典禮上,常常會出現Wat Nang的Luang Pho Phon的名字,他們都是與Wat Nang的Luang Pho Phon同輩的成員,包括Wat Don Yai Hom的Luang Pho Ngoen、Wat Phra的Luang Pho An Yat、Wat Sam Ngam 的Luang Pho Tae 和Luang Pu。以Luang Por Phon名字命名的重要佛教加冕活動,如二十五世紀節Wat Prasat Bunyawat活動等。

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