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Sacred objects Sacred objects

Cockroach Butt Takrud

Cockroach Butt Takrud Luang Pu Iam, Saphan Sung Temple
Price 99,999 baht with certificate of authenticity. Issued by Siam Amulets
Guaranteed genuine amulet Full refund
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"Luang Pu Iam" of Saphan Sung Temple consecrated "Takrud Solot" with verses of Phra Maha Tha Mun to complete 10,000 ends and took up to 3 years to build every night.
Among the talismans or the five amulets of the amulet’s collector circle have accepted and praised them. "Takrud Solasamahamongkol" of "Luang Pu Iam" Saphan Sung Temple, Nonthaburi is number one. And Takrud is extremely rare. Whoever owns it, possesses it and treasures it very much.
Takrud has been created. and consecrated with the virtues of the noble monks through the tip of the stylus transferred onto a metal plate in the form of amulets, characters, inscriptions Inside are written with the Solasamaha Mongkol Sutra characters. The outer part is covered with the Sutras of the Traisaranakomana characters. Surrounded by the power of 30 views, along with the sacred Passasa Pranajit mantra of Luang Pu Iam, Saphan Sung Temple, then rolled and braided with rope. or holy wire with spiral pattern or the blackjack pattern, covered with powder and painted with stinging powder. Most of the time, a little of the head and tail are left on.
Takrud of "Luang Pu Iam", sir will consecrate it alone and quietly in sir hut every night. It must be consecrated with 10,000 Maha Thamun verses. It took 3 years to create and consecrate, filled with diligence and determination. with subtlety to have Buddhist virtue It always has the greatest power, like it was created by angels.
Therefore, Luang Pu's Takrud is the best among all Takruds. It is a valuable takrud. Influenced by Buddha's knowledge Protection from all dangers Powerful in every aspect, it can be said to cover the universe. But what is important is that the possessor will be able to achieve all the fruits of Takrud power. Must conduct oneself in good morals. Luang Pu Iam's Takrud therefore rose to the highest level of popularity. It has been number one among amulets and amulets for longer than anyone else. It is a sacred object that has an increasingly high price and is extremely rare.
"Takrud Solasamaha Mongkol" of "Luang Pu Iam" has 3 types of creations:
1. The silver type belongs to the barons who specially brought the silver plates for sir to made. Very few were made. It is approximately 4.5 inches long.
2. Lead type Usually it is made of pounded lead. Length approximately 4 inches, built in the early period to raise funds to build a sermon hall.
3. Copper material Lengths range from 2.5 inches, 3.5 inches, and 4 inches. The most popular size is approximately 3.5 inches long and is hammered and rolled. It is copper for the alms bowl lid and brass.
Salon Maha Mongkol Yantra
The creation of Takrud by various masters is made like Phra Wet Wittayakhom. into the numeric characters with focused concentration Then roll it into a takrud flower. Prasit and Prasit again with magical sharpness Until it became a talisman with many Buddhist powers. Whether it is invincible Avoid eternal danger, wealth, kindness, great popularity, great charm, protection from bad luck, protection from black magic, it can be said to cover the universe.
For the numbers in the talisman Each number is one mantra, abbreviated from another character. Because in order to complete the characters It's a waste of space. Therefore, numbers are substituted for each verse of the mantra.
Yantra Sorosamahamongkol It is a talisman written according to the formula. Replace the yantra characters with numbers, divided into 3 levels.

The outer layer is filled with 16 numbers according to the Solot formula.

The middle level is entered with 12 numbers according to the Trinisinghe formula.

The inner layer is entered with 6 numbers according to the Chatturo formula.
An important uniqueness in considering the Takrud Solasamha Mongkol of "Luang Pu Iam"
The uniqueness of creating amulets or amulets Every Office of the Magic has a clear separation between the great magician and Disciple. for international standards and prevent confusion by creating the same sect, the same mantras may be used, the same subject, but the external form must be clearly different, such as Takrud Sai Wat Bang Khlan, Phichit Province, and Takrud Sai Wat Saphan Sung, Nonthaburi Province, etc.
"Takrud Solasamaha Mongkol" of "Luang Pu Iam" both the early and late eras. Most of them will knit the rope up to the right. Another important thing is About the smell of Takrud Your takrud will have the fragrance of the powder that is applied to the takrud.
About the smell of Takrud will have the fragrance of the powder that is applied to the takrud. The smell is unique. Older people even have a saying: If you have ever smelled real Takrud Dok of Luang Pu once and remember this unique scent clearly You can buy another one right away. The person who buyer it couldn't see how old it really was. It is believed that this Takrud Dok rented is definitely genuine. Because fake products cannot imitate this scent.
Rope. Observe the rope. The tightness of the rope. (The rope has dried up and has no rubber.) Ancient people said that Luang Pu used a tightly coiled holy cord. Then knitted and put in a takrud. Over time, it shrinks and forms a lump. The definition of the Takrud of Luang Pu Iam from Wat Saphan Sung is unique and the characteristic is “ground like flour. Dry like wood.”
Grind like flour Because of the rope that you use as rope or the ancient holy thread which is now more than 100 years old. It is soft, easy to crush, easy to fall off, easy to break, especially the flowers that are not lacquered. You have to be especially careful.
Dry like wood is the color of the takrud. Takrud that has been used Saphan Sung Temple is unique and unlike other schools, it may be red, black, or brown in color. But at Saphan Sung Temple, the color will be like dry wood. It is assumed that it was caused by the sting that went down and crushed the powder. When dry, it makes the takrud look like wood color.
The head side of the takrud Luang Pu Iam The greater part is green rust. It may be caused by the moisture of the copper. It is a special characteristic that science cannot duplicate.
Both sides of the head of the takrud What most people call a cockroach's butt. It is assumed that sir used a stick to roll up metal sheets. When finished rolling, pull it out, causing a layer to stretch out. But actually, the uniqueness of Wat Saphan Sung's cockroach bottom is that the rope is not fully woven. Leaving only a little of the tip of the head and tail, it is something unlike any other sect.
Stingless Bee wax: Most of Luang Pu Iam's Takrud are made of Stingless Bee wax. When viewed through a telescope, it will hide and attach itself to the groove of the rope that has been woven together in a uniform manner. There are no corners, no squares, and will not fall off into sheets. The flower takrud that has Stingless Bee wax, still has a lot of it stuck. The material is Stingless Bee wax. It will be hard, clear, and cracked like a mosquito net.
Takrud Solasamahamongkol of "Luang Pu Iam, Wat Saphan Sung", Nonthaburi, with a clear identity. With strong spells with strong concentration causing him to become the Takrud Emperor of Thailand
Characteristics of your Takrud The head and tail will appear. Or suck cockroaches and cut the corners and have true silver material. It belonged to the ancient noble family and brought to sir. Luang Pu did not build it himself, there were very few of them. and tea cave lead material Length approximately 4.5 inches, made in the early period. To raise funds to build a sermon pavilion.
Crafted counterfeits are still far away. How to look like Stingless Bee wax Whether old or new, put the Takrud in a plastic bag or hot bag and tie a tight rubber band and put it in the sun for about 1 hour. After that, take the Takrud and smell it. If it smells, it means it's old. or apply as new Stingless Bee wax.
In those days, anyone who made merit for 1 baht would receive 1 takrud or donate 1 boat hull of stone to build a dam in front of the temple. You will receive 1 of your Takrud.
The Takrud of Luang Pu Iam is considered the emperor of all Takruds among the country's amulets. And it's the hardest to find and buy, as the saying goes, "It's more than finding a needle in a haystack." Owners are extremely Proudof it.
Until the last moment Before Luang Pu passed away, Mr. Run jangmar Close disciples wait to serve sir. shouted to everyone that, “Master's condition was already completely bad.If you have anything, please order and give it to the disciple for the last time." To which Luang Pu Iam replied: "If suffering arises, please remember me and call me" Luang Pu Iam passed away in 1896, aged 80 years and 59 years old.
Miraculous Takrud Luang Pu Iam He told his close disciple that his Takrud Invincible, lightning protection, crocodile protection, buffalo protection, and all animals in the forest. Protects against sharp weapons Guard against all demons and has great kindness and popularity
Values of Takrud Luang Pu Iam Current Price If it's in excellent condition, it's in the hundreds of thousands.
As for the new takrud Popular are the dog neck takrud and the tiger skin takrud, Luang Pu Yaem, Wat Takhian, Nonthaburi.

蟑螂屁股打固 Luang Pu Iam, Saphan Sung Temple
售價 99,999 泰銖,附真品證書。由 Siam Amulets 發行
保證正品護身符 全額退款
Saphan Sung 寺的“Luang Pu Iam”用 Phra Maha Tha Mun 的詩句開光了“Takrud Solot”,完成了 10,000 個結束,每晚花費了長達 3 年的時間來建造。
其中護身符或護身符收藏界的五件護身符都受到了認可和好評。暖武里府「Luang Pu Iam」Saphan Sung 寺的「Takrud Solasamahamongkol」排名第一。而打固極為罕見。誰擁有它,誰就擁有它,並且非常珍惜它。
打固已被創建。並將高僧的功德透過筆尖以護身符、文字、銘文的形式轉移到金屬板上,裡面寫有《無垢三昧大明經》的文字。外在覆蓋有 Traisaranakomana 人物的經文。圍繞著30個視圖的力量,以及Luang Pu Iam的神聖Passasa Pranajit咒語,Saphan Sung Temple,然後用繩子捲起來並編織。或帶有螺旋圖案或二十一點圖案的聖線,上面覆蓋粉末並塗上刺粉。大多數時候,頭部和尾部都會留下一點。
「龍普印」的打固,先生每天晚上都會在先生小屋裡獨自安靜地開光。它必須用 10,000 首 Maha Thamun 詩句來供奉。歷時3年創作、奉獻,充滿了勤奮與決心。微妙地擁有佛德,它總是具有最大的力量,就像是天使創造的一樣。
「Luang Pu Iam」的「Takrud Solasamaha Mongkol」有3種創作:
1.銀版屬於貴族們特意帶來銀版給先生製作的。製造的很少。它長約 4.5 英寸。
2. 鉛的種類 通常由搗碎的鉛製成。長約4寸,建於早期籌集資金興建講經堂。
3.銅材質長度範圍有2.5吋、3.5吋、4吋。最受歡迎的尺寸約為 3.5 英寸長,經過錘擊和滾壓而成。缽蓋和黃銅是銅的。
Maha Mongkol Yantra 沙龍
不同大師創作的打固就像 Phra Wet Wittayakhom 一樣。專注地輸入數字字符,然後將其捲成打鼓花。巴實、巴實又帶著神奇的鋒利,直到成為具有多種佛法力量的護身符。無論是無敵避險、財富、善良、大人氣、大魅力、辟邪、辟邪,可謂包羅萬象。
Yantra Sorosamahamongkol 這是根據公式書寫的護身符。將yantra字元替換為數字,分為3級。
中級根據 Trinisinghe 公式輸入 12 個數字。
考慮「Luang Pu Iam」的打固 Solasamha Mongkol 的一個重要獨特性
創造護身符或護身符的獨特性 每個魔法辦公室在偉大的魔法師和門徒之間都有明顯的區別。為了符合國際標準,避免混淆,創建同一教派,可以使用相同的咒語,相同的主題,但外部形式必須明顯不同,例如Phichit省的Takrud Sai Wat Bang Khlan和Takrud Sai Wat Saphan Sung,暖武里府等
早期和晚期的“Luang Pu Iam”的“Takrud Solasamaha Mongkol”。他們中的大多數人會將繩子編織到右側。另一個重要的事情是關於打固的氣味 您的打固將具有塗在打固上的粉末的香味。
繩索。觀察繩子。繩子的鬆緊程度。 (繩子已經乾了,沒有橡膠了。) 古人說龍普用的是緊緊盤繞的聖繩。然後編織並放入塔克魯德。隨著時間的推移,它會收縮並形成腫塊。 Wat Saphan Sung 的 Luang Pu Iam 打固的定義是獨特的,特點是「磨得像麵粉」。像木頭一樣乾燥。
像麵粉一樣研磨 因為您用作繩索的繩索或已有 100 多年曆史的古老聖線。它質地柔軟,易壓碎、易脫落、易折斷,尤其是未上漆的花。你必須特別小心。
塔克魯的顏色像木頭一樣乾燥。 Saphan Sung Temple使用的打固是獨一無二的,與其他學校不同,它的顏色可能是紅色、黑色或棕色。但在 Saphan Sung 寺,顏色會像乾木頭一樣。據推測,這是由刺痛向下壓碎粉末引起的。乾燥後,打固看起來像木頭的顏色。
Luang Pu Iam打固的頭側大部分是綠鏽。可能是銅受潮造成的。這是科學無法複製的特殊性。
暖武里府「Luang Pu Iam,Wat Saphan Sung」的Takrud Solasamahamongkol,身分明確。憑藉強大的法術和強大的專注力使他成為泰國的打固皇帝
你的打固的特徵 頭部和尾部將會出現。或吸蟑螂,偷工減料,有真銀材質。它屬於古代貴族,帶到了先生面前。不是龍普親自建造的,數量很少。茶穴鉛料長約4.5寸,為早期製作。籌集資金修建講經亭。
精製假貨還很遙遠。如何看起來像無刺蜂蠟 無論是舊的還是新的,將打固放入塑膠袋或熱袋中,並係緊橡皮筋,然後放在陽光下約 1 小時。之後,拿起打固聞聞。如果有氣味,就表示它已經舊了。或作為新的無刺蜂蠟塗抹。
那時候,任何人只要做1泰銖的功德,就會得到1個打固,或是捐獻1個石船殼,在寺廟前建造一座水壩。您將收到 1 支打固。
直到龍普圓寂前的最後一刻,潤江瑪先生的親弟子等待侍奉先生。向大家喊道: “師父的情況已經很糟糕了。如果你們有什麼東西,請最後一次吩咐給弟子。” 龍普彥回答說: “如果出現痛苦,請記住我並打電話給我。” 」 龍普彥於1896年圓寂,享年80歲、59歲。
神奇的打固 Luang Pu Iam 他告訴他的親密弟子,他的打固無敵,防雷,防鱷魚,防水牛,以及森林裡的所有動物。抵禦利器,抵禦一切惡魔,有很大的善意和人緣。
Takrud Luang Pu Iam 的價值 目前的價格 如果它狀況良好的話,它的價值在數十萬。
至於新的打固,流行的是狗頸打固和虎皮打固,Luang Pu Yaem,Wat Takhian,暖武里府。

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