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Sacred objects Sacred objects

Phra Sum Kor, Luang Por Kuay

Phra Sum Kor, Luang Por Kuay, Wat Kositaram, Chainat Province, issued from Phra Prang Temple, year 1976, rare print, auspicious amulet, high miracle. consecrated a big ceremony
Price 2,999 baht
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Good amulets, auspicious miracles, outstanding, talented monks who participated in consecrating them. Everyone in that era...
Collection of lines of Luang Por Sri, Phra Prang Temple, grand ceremony. This model of amulet was issued in 1976 as a souvenir. In the binding ceremony at Phra Prang Temple, Bang Rachan District, Sing Buri Province, where the prayer ceremony was performed. on Saturday five the monk who came to sit and pray All of them were disciples of Luang Phor Sri, a total of 9 people, namely:
1. Luang Pho Fung, Wat Sadao
2. Luang Por Juan, Wat Nong Sum
3. Luang Por Jay, Huai Charoen Suk Temple
4. Luang Pho Yen, Wat Klang Chusri Charoensuk (Later Luang Pu Yen went to stay at Wat Sra Priyan and died there. He is the creator and conjurer of P. Phan, a wonderful person who has a lot of experience.)
5. Luang Por Bua, Wat Sawaha.
6. Luang Por Kuay, Ban Khae Temple (Kositaram Temple)
7. Luang Phor Pim, Wat Wihan Thong
8. Luang Phor Phae, Wat Phikun Thong
9. Luang Pho Thong, Wat Phra Prang (sir is the abbot Occupying the temple after Luang Por Sri Viriyasophit, he was very talented.)
There is one monk who inherited knowledge from him. Phrakru Wor Thammasat Currently sir deceased I'm not sure if there will be any more disciples who will inherit Luang Phor Sri's teachings from him or not. Many people have gone to pay respect to him. Sir is very talented. Someone was bitten by a dog at the temple. There is a wound from a dog's fang that is bleeding. Sir had him go get water to wash the wound, then he used his hand to press on the wound and said a spell to blow it on. It appeared that the blood had stopped flowing. And the wounds from the dog's fangs seemed to heal. After that the wound healed and there was no scar at all.
Another thing that sir was very good at was fortune telling and accurate fortune telling, but sir didn't really want to make predictions for anyone unless he was in trouble.
This small Phra Sum Kor amulet from Wat Phra Prang is included in the collection of Luang Pho Kuay who consecrated it outside the temple. This amulet has a lot of experience and has been prayed for and has received the desired results. It is said that the ashes of Luang Por Sri Wat Phra Prang were mixed together.
Phra Sum Kor,Luang Por Kuay,Wat Kositaram,猜納府,由 Phra Prang 寺發行,1976 年,罕見印刷,吉祥護身符,崇高奇蹟。舉行了盛大的儀式
售價 2,999 泰銖
保證正品護身符 全額退款
如果顧客希望出具真品證書。由泰國佛牌愛好者協會或Tha Phrachan雜誌有限公司發行。
Luang Por Sri 的詩句集,Phra Prang 寺,盛大的儀式。此護身符模型於 1976 年作為紀念品發行。在信武里府 Bang Rachan 區 Phra Prang Temple 舉行的捆綁儀式上,進行了祈禱儀式。星期六有五位前來打坐祈禱的和尚,他們都是Luang Phor Sri的弟子,一共有9人,分別是:
1. Luang Pho Fung,Wat Sadao
2. Luang Por Juan,Wat Nong Sum
3. Luang Por Jay,Huai Charoen Suk 寺
4. Luang Pho Yen,Wat Klang Chusri Charoensuk(後來Luang Pu Yen去了Wat Sra Priyan並在那裡去世。他是P. Phan的創造者和魔術師,一個擁有豐富經驗的奇妙人物。)
5. Luang Por Bua,Wat Sawaha。
6. Luang Por Kuay,Ban Khae 寺(Kositaram 寺)
7. Luang Phor Pim,Wat Wihan Thong
8. Luang Phor Phae,Wat Phikun Thong
9. Luang Pho Thong,Wat Phra Prang(先生是繼Luang Por Sri Viriyasophit之後佔據寺廟的住持,他非常有才華。)
有一位僧人繼承了他的知識。 Phrakru Wor Thammasat 目前先生已過世,我不確定是否還會有更多的弟子從他那裡繼承Luang Phor Sri的教義。很多人都前去看他。先生非常有才華。有人在寺廟被狗咬傷。狗的毒牙留下的傷口正在流血。先生要他去取水清洗傷口,然後用手按在傷口上,念咒語將其吹散。血似乎已經停止流動了。狗的獠牙所造成的傷口似乎已經癒合了。之後傷口癒合了,連一點疤痕都沒有。
這枚來自 Wat Phra Prang 的小型 Phra Sum Kor 護身符包含在 Luang Pho Kuay 的收藏中,他在寺廟外將其開光。此護身符經驗豐富,經過祈求,收到了預期的效果。據說Luang Por Sri Wat Phra Prang的骨灰是混合在一起的。

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