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Sacred objects Sacred objects

Aluminum Copper Luang Pho Sud Kalong Temple

108 Takrud pieces 3 Kings: Aluminum, Copper, Brass 1976, Luang Pho Sud Kalong Temple Samut Sakhon
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Go back to when 26 Feb 1981" Tee Yai "or Kornprasert, changkhean, passed away near Wat Kalong, Samut Sakhon. Tee Yai was hit by various police bullets while in a 2-door pickup truck. The reputation of "Tee Yai" spread throughout the city. That there is magic and tough skin He had broken the police cordon countless times.
The most important event was the breakout incident at the janitor's residence. Khemapirataram School, Nonthaburi Province. Tee Yai shot and killed one police officer before escaping. Police set up checkpoints and patrolled fully. But it failed. The news spread to the people. This caused rumors that Dee Yai had disappeared. Some say it is invulnerable. Use the skill to kambangprai
Because the police searched the area of Chao Mae Tubtim Shrine in Soi Wat Kamphaeng and found 4 papaya leaves crumpled up and placed at Chao Mae Tubtim Shrine.
News has it that before Tee Yai ended his life, he forgot the Takrud Tone and Tiger Fang that he received from Luang Pho Sud. Lost in a brothel Mahachai No matter how he searched, he couldn't find it.
That day, Tee Yai traveled to Wat Ka Long. To pay homage to Luang Phor Sud in order for you to wake up a new Takrud Thon Dok. He had no idea that there were nearly a hundred plainclothes police keeping an eye on him from every time.
At Kalong Temple, Tee Yai couldn't find Luang Phor Sud. It may be that His Majesty knew by intuition. The disciple would come and probably understand the fate of the disciple torn to pieces. Because being a life that oppresses others. So, sir went out to do business outside the temple. To enable disciple to follow the path of the law of karma.
The magic of Luang Phor Sud of Wat Kalong, which Tee Yai respects. Luang Phor Sud has many magical skills, such as the skill of hiding oneself.
It is said that in this subject, Tee Yai studied chanting mantras until he understood them. Many times, the police surround them in a corner with no way to escape. He will grab the dirt. Pieces of wood and grass grew up to chant mantras and were scattered around him. He strapped his gun to his waist and walked through the police cordon without anyone seeing him.
The Thai takrud of Luang Por Sud is a large takrud made from lead. Luang Por Sud wrote the inscription himself. It is handwritten one at a time and recited incantations. Reciting mantras Then consecrated again and again Then take the thread and tie it to cover the takrud again. Then the mantra was directed and the ceremony
As for the Takrud Tone that Tee Yai uses, it is Luang Por Sud. It takes up to 3 rainy seasons to especially consecrate and it is this Takrud that makes Tee Yai invulnerable. In addition to Takrud Tone, there is also a Takraw yantra.
Phrakru Samutthammasunthorn (Sud Siritharo) passed away in 1983 after Tee Yai He was killed 2 years ago and was 81 years old.
108 打固片 3 王:鋁、銅、黃銅 1976 年,Luang Pho Sud Kalong Temple Samut Sakhon
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若顧客希望出具泰國佛牌愛好者協會或Tha Phrachan Magazine Co., Ltd.所開立的真品證書,需額外支付1000泰銖的費用。
回溯到 1981 年 2 月 26 日,「Tee Yai」或 changkhean 的 Kornprasert 在 Samut Sakhon 的 Wat Kalong 附近去世。 Tee Yai 在一輛兩門皮卡車內被多顆警察子彈擊中。 「Tee Yai」的名聲傳遍了整個城市。有著神奇和堅韌的皮膚的他無數次衝破了警察的警戒線。
最重要的事件是看門人住處的越獄事件。暖武里府 Khemapirataram 學校。 Tee Yai 在逃跑前開槍打死了一名警察。警方設立檢查站並全面巡邏。但它失敗了。這個消息傳遍了民間。這引起了迪艾失蹤的謠言。有人說它無懈可擊。使用技能到 kambangprai
因為警方搜尋了Soi Wat Kamphaeng的Chao Mae Tubtim神社地區,發現4片揉皺的木瓜葉放在Chao Mae Tubtim神社裡。
有消息稱,Tee Yai 在結束生命之前,忘記了從 Luang Pho Sud 收到的打固音和虎牙。迷失在妓院的瑪哈猜無論怎麼尋找,都找不到。
那天,Tee Yai 前往 Wat Ka Long。向 Luang Phor Sud 致敬,以便您喚醒新的 Takrud Thon Dok。他不知道,每次都有近百個便衣警察監視著他。
在卡隆寺,Tee Yai 找不到 Luang Phor Sud。或許陛下憑直覺就知道了。弟子來了,大概就會明白弟子被撕成碎片的下場了。因為過著壓迫別人的生活。於是,先生就出去在廟外做生意了。使弟子能遵循業力法則的道路。
Tee Yai 十分推崇 Luang Phor Sud 的 Kalong 寺的魔力。 Luang Phor Sud有許多神奇的技能,例如隱藏自己的技能。
據說,在這個科目中,Tee Yai 學習念誦咒語,直到他理解它們為止。很多時候,警察將他們圍在角落裡,無路可逃。他會抓住泥土。一片片木頭和草叢長出,念著咒語,散落在他的周圍。他把槍別在腰上,穿過警察警戒線,沒有人看到他。
Luang Por Sud 的泰國打鼓是用鉛製成的大型打鼓。 Luang Por Sud 親自寫下了這段銘文。它是一次手寫並背誦咒語。念誦心咒然後一遍又一遍地開光然後再拿線綁起來蓋住打固。然後念咒並舉行儀式
至於Tee Yai使用的打固音,則是Luang Por Sud。需要長達3個雨季才能特別開光,而正是這打固讓Tee Yai刀槍不入。除了打固音之外,還有藤球 yantra。
Phrakru Samutthammasunthorn (Sud Siritharo) 於 1983 年在 Tee Yai He 兩年前被殺後去世,享年 81 歲。

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