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Sacred objects Sacred objects

Nang Kwak ivory carved by Luang Pho Kuay

Nang Kwak ivory carved by Luang Pho Kuay, Wat Khositaram, Chainat // Buried Luk Nimit model, year 1978, ivory material old to the era. Popular print, ancient art //The statue is beautiful, original, complete, very rare.
Price 7,900. - baht with certificate of authenticity. From the Association of Thai Amulet Lovers
If you want to sell back within 30 days, deduct a 30% processing fee.
Nang Kwak is small. Approximately one baht coin, suitable for those who like small amulets to put in a gold frame. For ladies and children Keep it as an auspicious amulet for your children and grandchildren.
Auspicious miracle Prominent in terms of fortune, doing business, making money flowing in, moving up in rank. and on the side of safety Make a living by doing it and you will be prosperous and wealthy. Everyone will help improve your destiny.
Luang Por Kuay The greatest monks of the half-Buddhist century. Have an Duties that should be performed and mode of practices, very great.Successful knowledge high wisdom Have strong willpower.
Even Luang Pu Toh.He still admiresin psychic power of Luang Phor Kuay. In the past time Mahaputthaphisek Ceremony Sacred objects together
Luang Phor Kuay. There is also Phra Wet Wittayakom is stronger has magic skills very strong and magical. Sacred objects created by Luang Phor and consecrated it. It is well known among the disciples. and those who believe that it is the greatest of good things. It is the ultimate sacred object. Created with the hope of having a very strong magical effect. You can definitely see the results and rely on the magic. People who use to worship sacred objects of Luang Phor. Everyone has experiences to see it is said to be sacred. In the great power of Buddha that Luang Pho consecrated in sacred objects.
Luang Phor Kuay Chutintharo. Wat Khositaram, Chainat Province. He's a good monk. Many Buddha amulets were built during the semi-Buddhist period. The amulets and sacred objects that you create and consecrate are good in every aspect. Have a lot of experience. Both kindnesses, great niyom, good fortune, protection from misfortune, Kongkapanchatri are all there. From many stories, Luang Phor's amulets are very useful.
Nang Kwak 象牙由 Luang Pho Kuay 雕刻,Wat Khositaram,Chanat // 埋葬的 Luk Nimit 模型,1978 年,象牙材料古老到那個時代。流行版畫,古代藝術 //雕像美麗,原創,完整,非常罕見.
售價 7,900。 - 泰銖及真品證書。來自泰國佛牌愛好者協會
Nang Kwak 很小。大約一枚泰銖硬幣,適合喜歡小護身符放在金框裡的人。女士及兒童 請將其作為子孫的吉祥護身符。
吉祥奇蹟 財運顯赫,生意興隆,財源滾滾,官位上升。而在安全方面,靠這樣做謀生,你就會繁榮昌盛。每個人都會幫助改善你的命運。
Luang Por Kuay 半佛教世紀最偉大的僧侶。有應盡的職責和做法,非常偉大。成功的知識高智慧有堅強的意志力。
即使是Luang Pu Toh,他仍然欽佩Luang Phor Kuay的神通力量。在過去的Mahaputthaphisek儀式聖物在一起.
龍婆粿。還有Phra Wet Wityakom 更強,魔法技能非常強大和神奇。龍婆佛創造並開光的聖物。這在弟子間是眾所周知的。以及那些相信這是最偉大的好事的人。它是最終的神聖物體。創造出來是希望能有非常強的神奇效果。你絕對可以看到結果並依賴魔法。人們曾經崇拜龍婆聖物。每個人都有經歷看到它被說成是神聖的。龍婆在聖物中加持了佛陀的偉大力量。
Luang Phor Kuay Chutintharo。猜納府科西塔蘭寺 (Wat Khositaram)。他是一個好和尚。許多佛牌是在半佛教時期建造的。你所創造和供奉的護身符和聖物在各方面都是好的。有很多經驗。兩種仁慈、偉大的niyom、好運、免受不幸的保護、Kongkapanchatri 都在那裡。從很多故事來看,龍婆的護身符非常有用。

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