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Sacred objects Sacred objects

Phra Luang Phor Kuay (Phra Khong prints)

Phra Luang Phor Kuay, Phra Khong prints, early period clay, small print, year 1957, beautiful form, hard to find + warranty card.
Khositaram Temple, Chainat Province
The first-generation amulets are in perfect condition, original surface.
Price 5,000 baht with certificate of authenticity from
If you want to sell back within 30 days, deduct a 30% processing fee.
Luang Pho Kuay, Wat Kositaram, Chainat
The best fighter of the city of Sankhaburi. Good clay amulets that are overlooked,Definitely good,Protected, also has good fortune and kindness.
Clay amulets are the first batch of amulets and the first era in starting to create amulets around the year 1939. During World War II, at that time Luang Por Kuay was extremely proficient in his knowledge and still very young. are a Gangster's heart, a real person.
During the war era, sir began to be Sak Yant Master. Sir is committed to helping the villagers by tattooing them day and night and without rest. Disciples who come to ask for good things There are many magical items for self-defense.
In the early days, when he would get tattoos, it was estimated that there would be a thousand people who received tattoos from sir. Some say there may be up to 10,000 people
Later, he thought of creating amulets to distribute. Because many people don't want to get tattoos, some are children or women who come to ask for something good to protect themselves.
A crypt was excavated Phra Mueang Sanburi was obtained. It is a sitting Sanburi amulet, a standing Sanburi. Sir told the disciples that “I will make it as good as his old one.” Shows confidence in sir magic. sir was confident that he could consecrate this amulet on par with or as good as the old amulet that had been consecrated by an ancient monk hundreds of years ago.
Luang Pho Kuay searches for teachers. And sir is a person who really knows and can really do it. Moreover, sir is a person who has a lot of perseverance and patience. Love and care for students like own real children.
Luang Pho Kuay create anything. won't be the same at all. will be create according to their appearance. as well as the suitability of using prayer and treatment and whether it is appropriate for the era or not is in sir consideration.
Luang Pho Kuay clay amulets were made the longest before all amulets, all styles. Soil is a magical substance in itself. It is a wonderful thing that has its own qualities. It's also easy to find and doesn't require a lot of capital to build. The belief is that soil is the flesh of Mother Earth. When sir go out to find soil You will be extremely meticulous.
Luang Pho Kuay will choose soil in the middle of a rice field, Saeng Arun soil, crab hut soil, and old Phra Kru soil. As well as various old clay amulets that are broken and damaged. Come grind and mix with your magic powder and consecrated sand.
Luang Pho Kuay treatise specifies in detail the steps starting from bringing the soil to use. sir must say the mantra to go to the ground. Cast a spell on Mother Earth's heart to invite Mother Earth to come to know sir. Make the soil magical and sacred, not just digging up the mountain soil. Going to tell people that they don't know the timing and lack of respect. The soil will not be magical if the ceremony is not complete. Considered to be a person who has no teacher, does not know the truth, sir will not act haphazardly at all.
The magic and decisiveness in the subject of inviting Mother Earth of Luang Por Kuay. It's been proven. When digging an artesian well for drinking water. The artesian drilling team was unable to drill into the water source. Wasted time for days and still couldn't find a source of water. The committee went to inform Luang Por Kuay about the matter.
Reverend Luang Por Kuay just sat and listened, no matter what. After a while he picked up a stick and walked to the area where the groundwater was drilled. Close sir eyes and pray for a moment. Then put the stick in that place. As soon as the stick hit the ground, a strange sound was made. It is the sound of water moving beneath the earth from many directions. Come to the point where the stick points. sir turned and said “Dig down here and you will find a source of water.” And it was as sir words said. Not long after drilling down, we found a water source immediately. Afterward, a disciple asked him many times until he was annoyed and answered, “I invited Mother Earth to help me.”
A Buddha image made of clay is a Buddha image that sir intends to create, intend to consecrate, and intend to make. To leave as a wonderful legacy to wait for good people, to wait for those who have good fortune related to sir to come and worship.
Phra Samu Opas (Ajahn Tua) once told that he was interested in studying magic. Stayed in the service of Luang Phor Kuay for quite a long time. Each day, Luang Por Kuay spends his time creating many amulets, even the old amulets that were built were many. The new one is made every day.
So, Ajahn Tua asked him, “Reverend Luang Por, why were there so many amulets built?” Luang Pho Kuay replied, “Every piece of my stuff has an owner. Only his owner hasn't come yet.”
It is loved and cherished by the disciples who receive it from their hands. Phra Sanburi sitting This Phra Sanburi stands It is affectionately known among older students as "Stand-sit, watch out for danger." Luang Phor Chant Emphasis is placed on the great path, invulnerability, and Chatri path (light stone), which means it cannot be hit and bones will not be broken. sir will be consecrated with Chatri skills as well. sir know modern weapons are very violent. When it got really bad Just being invulnerable alone can't help with the compression force, the impact force is very high. When hit, the skull can be bruised and bones broken. For this reason, sir also consecrated it. Mahadhamun mantras, both male and female, conjured with a large stone Chatri Chatri. To be able to protect with invulnerability Remains throughout the entire body.
Those who have your clay amulets with you and if it's not yet time to die no matter who it is, if it walks on the ground like sir disciple. An evil person will never be able to harm or defeat sir disciple. sir yourself build your clay amulet with the heart of "Mother Earth", making that person unable to kill. or overcome at all.

Phra Luang Phor Kuay,Phra Khong 版畫,早期黏土,小字體,1957 年,形式精美,很難找到 + 保固卡。
售價 5,000 泰銖,附有 的真品證書
Luang Pho Kuay, Wat Kositaram, 猜納府
泥佛牌是第一批佛牌,也是第一個開始製作佛牌的時代,大約在1939年左右。在第二次世界大戰期間,當時Luang Por Kuay的知識非常淵博,而且還很年輕。都是一顆大佬的心,真實的人。
戰爭時期,先生開始擔任Sak Yant大師。 Sir致力於幫助村民,日夜不停地刺青。來討好東西的弟子,有許多防身的神奇物品。
挖掘了一個地穴,獲得了 Phra Mueang Sanburi。這是坐式三武里護身符,站立式三武里護身符。先生告訴弟子:“我會讓它和他原來的一樣好。”表現出對魔法先生的信心。先生有信心,他開光的這尊佛牌,可以與幾百年前古僧所開光的老佛牌相媲美,甚至不相上下。
Luang Pho Kuay 尋找老師。而先生是個真正懂得、真正能做到的人。而且先生還是個很有毅力和耐心的人。像對待自己的親生孩子一樣愛護學生。
Luang Pho Kuay 創造一切。根本不會一樣。將根據其外觀進行創建。還有用祈禱和治療的方法是否合適,是否適合這個時代,都是先生在考慮的。
Luang Pho Kuay 黏土護身符是在所有款式的護身符之前製作的最長的。土壤本身就是一種神奇的物質。這是一件美妙的事情,有它自己的品質。它也很容易找到,並且不需要大量資金來建造。人們相信土壤是地球母親的肉身。先生出去找土的時候,你是極為細緻的。
Luang Pho Kuay會選擇稻田中間的土壤、Saeng Arun土、蟹棚土和舊Phra Kru土。以及各種破碎和損壞的舊黏土護身符。來研磨並與你的魔法粉和神聖的沙子混合。
Luang Pho Kuay 的論文詳細說明了從使用土壤開始的步驟。先生必須念咒才能下地。在地球母親的心上施下咒語,邀請地球母親來認識先生。讓土壤變得神奇而神聖,而不僅僅是挖山土。告訴人們他們不知道時機並且缺乏尊重。如果儀式沒有完成,土壤就不會神奇。被認為是無師自通、不明真相的人,先生根本不會胡作非為。
Luang Por Kuay 邀請地球母親這個主題的神奇和果斷。這已經被證明了。挖自流井取得飲用水時。自流鑽井隊無法鑽入水源。浪費了好幾天的時間,還是找不到水源。委員會已將此事通知Luang Por Kuay。
無論如何,Luang Por Kuay 牧師只是坐著聽。過了一會兒,他拿起一根棍子,走到了鑽孔的地方。先生閉上眼睛,祈禱片刻。然後把棍子放在那個地方。棍子一落地,就發出了奇怪的聲音。這是水從多個方向在地下流動的聲音。來到棍子所指的地方。先生轉身說:“在這裡挖下去,你會找到水源的。”果然如先生所說。鑽下去沒多久,我們立刻就找到水源了。後來,有弟子多次問他,他惱怒地說:“我請大地母親來幫助我。”
Phra Samu Opas(Ajahn Tua)曾經說過,他對研究魔法很感興趣。為Luang Phor Kuay服務了很長一段時間。每天,Luang Por Kuay 都會花時間製作許多佛牌,甚至製作的舊佛牌也很多。每天都會製作新的。
於是,阿贊圖阿問他:“龍婆長老,為什麼要建造這麼多護身符?” Luang Pho Kuay回答說:「我的每一件東西都有一個主人。只是他的主人還沒來。”
從他們手中接過的弟子們都十分喜愛和珍惜。坐著的帕桑布里 (Phra Sanburi) 站著的帕桑布里 (Phra Sanburi) 在年長的學生中被親切地稱為「站坐,小心危險」。龍婆頌強調的是大道、刀槍不入、Chatri道(光石),意思是打不中、骨頭不折。先生也將被授予Chatri技能。先生知道現代武器非常暴力。嚴重的時候光是刀槍不入是無法對抗壓縮力的,衝擊力道是非常大的。當被擊中時,頭骨可能會瘀傷並骨折。為此,先生也開光了它。 Mahadhamun 咒語,無論男性或女性,都是用一塊巨大的 Chatri Chatri 石頭召喚出來的。能夠無懈可擊地守護在全身。

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