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Sacred objects Sacred objects

Luang Pu Tim (Monday)

Birthday amulet of Luang Pu Tim, Wat Lahan Rai
Distributed at the Phug Phatthasima ceremony at Wat Lahan Rai in 1974. Beautiful condition
Price 4,999 baht
Comes with a certificate of authenticity issued by Tha Phrachan Magazine Co., Ltd.
If you want to sell back within 30 days, deduct a 30% processing fee.
This set of amulets was created in the year 1974. A souvenir for the ceremony of burying Nimit's children. Phra Ubosot, Wat Rahan Rai, Rayong Province. was held along with the ceremony of consecration. with Luang Pu Tim Isariko presiding over the ceremony and consecrated together with the monks of Wat Lahan Rai.
Many prints have been made to order, such as
1. Nang Kwak (large and small print)
2. Phra Sangkhajai
3. Singha (large and small print)
4. Buddha
5. Phra Buddha Chinnarat
6. Phra Naga Prok
7. Birthday amulet set

This set of amulets is considered It is another version of Luang Pu Tim's amulet. The price is still not expensive. Leave at Wat Lahanrai .Good intentions and created on special occasions .It is another model that is worth keeping and worshiping. Outstanding in kindness, makes one rich in business.This model of amulet is becoming more difficult to find every day. The price continues to increase.
auspicious miracle
Mahautm, invulnerability, protection from danger.
Made to trade and absorb wealth to receive good luck They are only rich and are also popular. People who love kind people are very charming.
Enhance your fortune and prestige Progress in every career. Rule over subordinates. A considerate person is a superpower.
Protect against bad things along with supporting your destiny. Turned bad, turned good. Reflect back on the perpetrator
Today's worship therefore has universal power. According to prayer. There are 108 prayers you can pray for. The auspicious miracle is stronger than the price, worth it. Win over all competitors.
Luang Pu Tim Isariko or Phrakru Phawanaphirat(16 June 1879 to 16 October 1975) He was the former abbot of Wat Lahanrai. He is one of the best monks with great mental power in the Eastern region. He is a recluse, humble person, not attached to any possessions. Sir, I only eat one meal and I don't eat meat.
Luang Pu Tim is a humble person. Have simple ethics .Have good health because it is believed that it is merit that has been accumulated. Even though he was nearly 100 years old, all of his teeth were still there.

龍普添 (Luang Pu Tim) 生日護身符,Wat Lahan Rai
1974 年在 Wat Lahan Rai 舉行的 Phug Phatthasima 儀式上分發。狀況優美
售價 4,999 泰銖
附有 Tha Phrachan Magazine Co., Ltd. 頒發的真品證書。
這套護身符製作於 1974 年。是尼米特孩子埋葬儀式的紀念品。 Phra Ubosot,拉漢萊寺,羅勇府。與開光儀式同時舉行。 Luang Pu Tim Isariko 主持儀式並與 Wat Lahan Rai 的僧侶一起開光。
1. Nang Kwak(大字和小字)
2. 帕桑卡傑寺
3. Singha(大字和小字)
4. 佛陀
5. 帕佛欽那拉 (Phra Buddha Chinnarat)
6. 帕那加普羅克
7. 生日護身符套裝
這套護身符被認為是龍普添護身符的另一個版本。價格還是不貴。離開Wat Lahanrai。良好的意圖和在特殊場合創造的。這是另一個值得保留和崇拜的模型。善行出眾,生意興隆。這種型號的護身符越來越難找到了。價格繼續上漲。
因此,今天的敬拜具有普世的力量。根據祈禱。您可以祈禱 108 種祈禱。吉祥奇蹟比價格更強大,值得。戰勝所有競爭對手。
Luang Pu Tim Isariko 或 Phrakru Phawanaphirat(1879年6月16日至1975年10月16日) 他是Wat Lahanrai的前住持。他是東域最優秀的修士之一,精神力極強。他是個隱士,謙虛的人,不執著於任何財產。先生,我只吃一頓飯,不吃肉。

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