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Sacred objects

Chinorasaram Worawihan Temple

Phra Somdej behind ชร. Chinorasaram Worawihan Temple, Luang Por Kuay, Luang Pu Toh, Luang Pho Phrom, Luang Pu Suk, Luang Pho Ngern 1969
Price 2,500 baht
If the customer wishes to issue a certificate of authenticity. Thai Buddha Image Admiration Association or Thaprachan Magazine Co., Ltd. There is an additional cost of 1000 baht.
Guaranteed genuine amulet Full refund
If you want to sell back within 30 days, deduct a 30% processing fee.
This amulet was made by Phra Palad Manop, Wat Chinorasaram, Bangkok. (There is also an amulet for the ceremony of Ajahn Kaew and Phra Maha Pradub.) Built in 1969, Buddha Phisek Ceremony 22 - 31 August 1969. Arranged as a set of amulets with beautiful designs, a big ceremony was attended by famous monks.
Luang Phor Phrom, Wat Chong Khae
Luang Phor Kuay, Wat Khositaram
Luang Pu Toh, Wat Pradoochimplee
Luang Pho Suk, Wat Pho Sai Thong
Ajahn Nam, Wat Don Sala
Luang Pho Ming, Wat Kok, Thonburi
Luang Pho Thiang, Wat Muang Chum
Luang Phor Ngern, Wat Don Yai Hom
Luang Por Dee, Wat Phra Rup
which this amulet the experts the monks who attended the event even said that it was a good thing. that was worth collected. Disciples of Luang Phor Suk Wat Pho Sai Thong, collection due to Luang Pu Suk Dhammachoto brought it back to consecrate again in Date: 1 September 1969 (partial)
For those who like to collect sacred objects, Luang Por Kuay., this model of amulet is very useful. Reverend Luang Phor Kuay sat and blessed the whole night during the ceremony until the morning. (It is said that he rose from the ceremony as the last person.)
The main force in creating amulets
1) Phra Mahapradab nannarr am a native of Sankhaburi, Chainat Province. Have respect for Luang Phor Kuay Wat Khositaram is very special. Luang Por Kuay received an invitation to consecrate sacred objects.
2) Phra Palad Manop is a disciple of Luang Pu Suk. Wat Pho Sai Thong .Therefore invited Luang Pu Suk Wat Pho Sai Thong Come join in the consecration.
3) Phra Achan Kaew Maneekam Because Wat Chinoros It is a royal monastery. Therefore, the Buddhist coronation ceremony is held each time. So it must be done well.
Luang Phor Kuay Chutintharo will consecrate it according to the auspicious time first. Then he also consecrates it according to. Auspicious time for thieves, Auspicious time for Phaya Mara. It means that your sacred objects good people use it, thieves use it can be used. Luang Phor has a very consecrated its consecration. in the morning, afternoon, evening, early evening, midnight, before light. Luang Phor will consecrate it every day. To protect people who are destined to fail is Monday to Sunday the weaker the day, the more you must consecrate itconsecrate it.
Luang Por Kuay The greatest monks of the half-Buddhist century. Have an Duties that should be performed and mode of practices, very great.Successful knowledge high wisdom Have strong willpower.
Even Luang Pu Toh.He still admiresin psychic power of Luang Phor Kuay. In the past time Mahaputthaphisek Ceremony Sacred objects together
Luang Phor Kuay. There is also Phra Wet Wittayakom is stronger has magic skills very strong and magical. Sacred objects created by Luang Phor and consecrated it. It is well known among the disciples. and those who believe that it is the greatest of good things. It is the ultimate sacred object. Created with the hope of having a very strong magical effect. You can definitely see the results and rely on the magic. People who use to worship sacred objects of Luang Phor. Everyone has experiences to see it is said to be sacred. In the great power of Buddha that Luang Pho consecrated in sacred objects.
Luang Phor Kuay Chutintharo. Wat Khositaram, Chainat Province. He's a good monk. Many Buddha amulets were built during the semi-Buddhist period. The amulets and sacred objects that you create and consecrate are good in every aspect. Have a lot of experience. Both kindnesses, great niyom, good fortune, protection from misfortune, Kongkapanchatri are all there. From many stories, Luang Phor's amulets are very useful.

帕崇迪 (Phra Somdej) 位於ชร 後方。 Chinorasaram Worawihan Temple,Luang Por Kuay,Luang Pu Toh,Luang Pho Phrom,Luang Pu Suk,Luang Pho Ngern 1969
售價 2,500 泰銖
保證正品護身符 全額退款
這款護身符由曼谷 Wat Chinorasaram 的 Phra Palad Manop 製作。 (還有阿姜佛和帕瑪哈帕杜的儀式用的護身符。)建於1969年,1969年8月22日至31日舉行佛披塞儀式。以一套設計精美的護身符排列,著名僧侶參加了一場盛大的儀式。
Luang Phor Phrom、Chong Khae 寺
Luang Phor Kuay, 科西塔蘭寺
龍普多,Wat Pradoochimplee
Luang Pho Suk, 臥佛賽通寺
阿姜南,Wat Don Sala
Luang Pho Ming, Wat Kok, 吞武里
Luang Pho Thiang、Wat Muang Chum
龍婆銀寺,Wat Don Yai Hom
龍波迪 (Luang Por Dee)、帕魯寺 (Wat Phra Rup)
這枚護身符,出席活動的專家和僧侶甚至都表示這是一件好事。那是值得收集的。 Luang Phor Suk Wat Pho Sai Thong的弟子,由於Luang Pu Suk Dhammachoto的收藏,於1969年9月1日再次將其帶回開光(部分)
對於那些喜歡收集聖物Luang Por Kuay.的人來說,這款護身符模型非常有用。 Luang Phor Kuay 法師在儀式期間坐著加持了一整個晚上,直到早上。 (據說他是最後一個從儀式起身的人。)
1) Phra Mahapradab nannarr 是猜納府桑卡武里 (Sankhaburi) 人。尊重 Luang Phor Kuay Wat Khositaram 是非常特別的。 Luang Por Kuay收到了開光聖物的邀請。
2) Phra Palad Manop是龍普石的弟子。 Wat Pho Sai Thong 佛寺因此邀請 Luang Pu Suk Wat Pho Sai Thong 來參加開光。
3) Phra Achan Kaew Maneekam 因為 Wat Chinoros 它是一座皇家寺院。因此,每次都會舉行佛教加冕儀式。所以一定要做好。
Luang Phor Kuay Chutintharo會先依照吉時開光。然後他也照著它開光。小偷的吉祥時間,Phaya Mara 的吉祥時間。就是說你的聖物好人用它,盜賊用它也能用。龍婆有一個非常開光的開光。早上、下午、晚上、傍晚、午夜、天亮前。龍婆每天都會給它開光。保護注定要失敗的人是從週一到週日,越是弱勢的日子,就越要奉獻它,奉獻它。
Luang Por Kuay 半佛教世紀最偉大的僧侶。有應盡的職責和做法,非常偉大。成功的知識高智慧有堅強的意志力。
即使是Luang Pu Toh,他仍然欽佩Luang Phor Kuay的神通力量。在過去的Mahaputthaphisek儀式聖物在一起
龍婆粿。還有Phra Wet Wityakom 更強,魔法技能非常強大和神奇。龍婆佛創造並開光的聖物。這在弟子間是眾所周知的。以及那些相信這是最偉大的好事的人。它是最終的神聖物體。創造出來是希望能有非常強的神奇效果。你絕對可以看到結果並依賴魔法。人們曾經崇拜龍婆聖物。每個人都有經歷看到它被說成是神聖的。龍婆在聖物中加持了佛陀的偉大力量。
Luang Phor Kuay Chutintharo。猜納府科西塔蘭寺 (Wat Khositaram)。他是一個好和尚。許多佛牌是在半佛教時期建造的。你所創造和供奉的護身符和聖物在各方面都是好的。有很多經驗。兩種仁慈、偉大的niyom、好運、免受不幸的保護、Kongkapanchatri 都在那裡。從很多故事來看,龍婆的護身符非常有用。

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