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Sacred objects

Spelling ball Luang Phor Niam

Spelling ball Luang Phor Niam, Wat Noi .Made from lead
Made in 1887-1909. Authentic, easy to see, real international standards, not easy to find.
Price 13,000 baht With certificate of authenticity. Thai Buddha Image Admiration Association
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Luang Por Niam, Wat Noi, Suphan Buri Province. He was praised as the greatest teacher. He is the headmaster of the senior monks of Suphanburi.
He made quite not a lot amulets. The most folk style print is both shallow and not very beautiful. Mostly made of lead. It must be considered the most expensive lead amulet. and has been expensive for a long time. Because of the old
Collectors.he believed in the magic of the amulets created by Luang Por Niam.
Made in 1887-1909. Authentic, easy to see, real international standards, not easy to find.
In the amulet industry, there are very few people who have never known Luang Por . He is a famous monk be a close friend with Luang Pho Pan, Khlong Dan Temple. Luang Pu Bun, Wat Klang Bang Kaeo. Luang Phor Tha, Wat Phaniang Taek etc.
And is also the teacher of many famous monks. For example, Luang Por Am, Wat Chee Pa Khao. Luang Por Nong of Khlong Madan Temple, Luang Por Pan of Bang Nom Kho Temple or even Somdet Phra Sangharaja (Pae Tistevo) of Suthat Thepwararam Temple.
Luang Por Bun, Wat Klang Bang Kaeo, Luang Pho Thap, Wat Thong also respect Luang Pho Niam.
He was a monk in 3 reigns. Born in 1827 (King Rama III) and died in 1907 (King Rama V) When he was ordained, he came to study in the capital. During the time when Somdet Somdej Phra Buddhacarya (To Brahmrangsi) is still alive.
According to the story, it is assumed that. Luang Por Niam used to go to stay stay in a Buddhist monastery during the Buddhist Lent. and study knowledge from Wat Rakhang Khositaram.By studying Vipassana with Somdet Phra Buddhacarya (To Brahmrangsi). Finally, he moved to stay at Wat Noi, Suphan Buri Province. passed away. in a similar manner reclining Buddha statue.Considered to be the first monk of Thailand. who died in this position
Spelling ball Luang Phor Niam is considered one of the amulets. It has been created since ancient times. and is very popular Because it is small, it is easy to carry. It is powerful and believed to be able to enchant an army spell. If used in a fighting way Spelled to sleep, unconscious. But if used in a charming way, kindness is popular. or as desired to bring about results for example, it spells out bad things and Spell various misfortunes source of encroachment .Spell out disease and epidemics. Spell the spirits, exorcise ghosts, etc.
Spell balls are similar in size to candy. Most of them are made to look similar to rugby balls. but cut off the head and tail .Some people arrange them in spelled beads. Or string them into a bunch of 9 balls. It's called Spell balls Nawaharakun. But it's very popular. Must be a Spell ball single People in the past liked to put it in their mouths in times of need.
Luang Phor Niam's Spell balls. Made from lead mixed with mercury. The same as your amulets that are available in many prints. Famous everywhere It is well known both inside and outside the amulet industry. That it has many magical qualities in terms of protection, invulnerability, and kindness
Creation of amulets in ancient times.Hardening mercury is not an easy task. It is said that magic spells must be used. Must be done in the rainy season only. Stir for up to 7 days until it comes together. After 7 days, take it to dry in the sun. Continue stirring until well combined. Separate the scale into parts. One baht per portion.After that, put it in a stone mortar. Add sulfur and pound the Copper (II) Sulfateuntil combined. Only do it at night. Do that for 3 nights. Put the mercury into the Kaoliang liquor jar. Mixed with lead, put in fire and simmered for 7 days. Sometimes the temperature is very high. broken and damaged jars Kaoliang liquor. The fire is only lit during the daytime .At night, perform a consecration ceremony using magic spells. When 7 lights are complete, pour it into the mold.
Sheets of lead mixed with mercury were made into sheets. will come down with a spell .Then consecrated it and then put it on fire. Then iron it into another sheet. Do this 7 times in a row or 7 nights. Pour it into the mold. When it hardens, it will be marked again with a stencil.

拼字球 Luang Phor Niam,Wat Noi。由鉛製成
製造於 1887-1909 年。正品,容易看到,真正的國際標準,不容易找到。
售價 13,000 泰銖,附真品證書。泰國佛像崇拜協會
Luang Por Niam,素攀武里府,Wat Noi。他被稱讚為最偉大的老師。他是素攀武里府高級僧侶的校長。
收藏家.他相信Luang Por Niam所創造的護身符的魔力。
製造於 1887-1909 年。正品,容易看到,真正的國際標準,不容易找到。
在佛牌界,很少人不知道龍婆。他是一位著名的和尚,與空丹寺的Luang Pho Pan是親密的朋友。 Luang Pu Bun,巴生邦考寺。 Luang Phor Tha、Wat Phaniang Taek 等
也是許多名僧的老師。例如,Luang Por Am、Wat Chee Pa Khao。 Khlong Madan 寺的 Luang Por Nong、Bang Nom Kho 寺的 Luang Por Pan 甚至 Suthat Thepwararam 寺的 Somdet Phra Sangharaja (Pae Tistevo)。
Luang Por Bun、Wat Klang Bang Kaeo、Luang Pho Thap、Wat Thong 也尊敬Luang Pho Niam。
他曾在 3 個統治時期出家為僧。生於1827年(國王拉瑪三世),卒於1907年(國王拉瑪五世)時,來到首都學習。在 Somdet Somdej Phra Buddhacarya(致 Brahmrangsi)還活著的時候。
根據這個故事,人們假設。 Luang Por Niam過去常在佛教齋戒期間到佛教寺院住宿。並從 Wat Rakhang Khositaram 學習知識。透過向 Somdet Phra Buddhacarya(致 Brahmrangsi)學習內觀。最後,他搬到了素攀武里府的小寺。去世了。以類似的方式臥佛像。被認為是泰國第一位僧侶。誰死在這個位置
拼字球 Luang Phor Niam 被認為是護身符之一。它是自古以來就被創造出來的。由於體積小,便於攜帶,所以很受歡迎。它很強大,據信能夠對軍隊法術施咒。如果以戰鬥方式使用,則拼得睡著了,不省人事。但如果以迷人的方式使用,善良就會受到歡迎。或如欲帶來結果,例如,拼出不好的事情,拼出各種不幸的侵擾源頭。拼出疾病和流行病。辟邪、驅鬼等。
咒語球的大小與糖果相似。它們中的大多數看起來與橄欖球相似。但切掉頭部和尾部。有些人將它們排列成拼字的珠子。或將它們串成一串 9 球。它被稱為咒語球 Nawaharakun。但它很受歡迎。一定是一顆法術球,以前的人喜歡在需要的時候把它放進嘴裡。
Luang Phor Niam 的法術球。由鉛與汞混合製成。與您的護身符相同,有許多印刷品。聞名四方 在護身符產業內外都享有盛譽。它具有保護、刀槍不入、仁慈等許多神奇的品質
古代護身符的製作。硬化水銀並不是一件容易的事。據說必須使用魔法咒語。必須僅在雨季進行。攪拌最多 7 天,直到混合在一起。 7天后,將其放在陽光下晾乾。持續攪拌至充分混合。將秤分成幾個部分。每份一銖。之後,放入石臼中。加入硫並搗碎硫酸銅 (II) 直至合併。只在晚上做。這樣做3個晚上。將水銀放入高粱酒壇。與鉛混合,置火上,煮七日。有時溫度很高。破碎和損壞的高粱酒罐子。火只在白天點燃,晚上則用魔法進行開光儀式。 7燈完成後,倒入模具中。

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